Gabriella Mia

Posted: December 6, 2010 by francosickness in Uncategorized

Photo Post

Posted: October 12, 2010 by francosickness in Uncategorized
















The Dark Can’t Stop Us

Posted: October 12, 2010 by francosickness in Uncategorized

Uploaded by DROIDX™

The whale is said to be there months from today.

To view/use the GPS location through your computer or smart-phone click HERE.

To enter the latitude and longitude coordinates manually to your GPS use these: (37.227072, -122.410529)

You may also use this QR code to directly put  the GPS coordinates onto Google Maps on your smart-phone.

Pregnant Blue Whale GPS Coordinates

Pregnant Blue Whale GPS Coordinates


Posted: October 9, 2010 by francosickness in Uncategorized


ahhh! alt text!

Dead Pregnant Blue Whale In The Bay


In Bean Hollow State Beach in the San Mateo County or area of Half Moon Bay area in California, a 75 ton 80-foot Pregnant Whale had died and was beached on Wednesday October 6, 2010. The whale had a 8 months old male fetus that spread 17-feet long that laid about 50 feet behind the pregnant whale. Scientists believe that the pregnant whale had died from blunt force trauma due to collision with a boat.

A lot of people local to the area come to see this rare occurrence . It is a pretty interesting sight to see considering that the last time a blue whale had shored was OVER THREE CENTURIES AGO. If you are interested in seeing the blue whale, JustSickness has provided you with an exclusive accurate GPS location in its next post.

Just Sickness!

Posted: October 9, 2010 by justsickness in Uncategorized
